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Pechersky A. V. Influence of Violation of Regeneration in People over 35-40 Years Old on Decrease in Production of Sexual Hormones. - A.V. Pechersky, // Journal of Stem Cells, Volume 11, Number 2, 2016, p.p. 100-109

A. V. Pechersky North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnicov, St. Petersburg, Russia


With age the quantity of pluripotent stem cells gradually decreases. It leads to violation of renewal of tissues, including tissues of endocrine organs, at people over 35-40 years old. Artificial formation of the chimeral individual may be used for recovery of the pool of pluripotent stem cells in patients older than 40-50 years old. Transfusions of mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood procured from young donors 18-23 years old with the same blood groups and sex as the recipient (patent of the Russian Federation № 2350340), allows people over 40 years old to reestablish
the pool of pluripotent stem cells, the process of tissue renewal and the production of sex hormones, and can also be seen as a promising way to reduce biological age, while providing a significant prolongation of life and while maintaining a high quality of life. Transfusions of mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood are required to be carried out multiple times before the restoration of the
numerical strength of the recipients’ pool of pluripotent stem cells is complete. The effectiveness of regeneration reconstitution in individuals older than 40 years old upon receiving transfusions of allogeneic pluripotent stem cells depends on the difference in age between the recipient and the young donor. When there is a major difference in age between young donors and recipients over 40 years old, the proliferative potential of pluripotent stem cells of donors (their ability to maintain the number of own pool) is higher than the proliferative potential of the recipient. In response to the formation of colony-stimulating growth factors, this leads to the dominance of transfused and formed colonies in the bone marrow of the donor’s pluripotent stem cells over the analogous cells of recipients when renewing all of their tissues. The latter occurs mainly due to the donors’ stem cells.

Keywords: stem cells, regeneration, immune system, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, andropause, menopause  


Pechersky A. V. Influence of Violation of Regeneration in People over 35-40 Years Old on Decrease in Production of Sexual Hormones. - A.V. Pechersky, // Journal of Stem Cells, Volume 11, Number 2, 2016, p.p. 100-109 Pechersky A. V. Influence of Violation of Regeneration in People over 35-40 Years Old on Decrease in Production of Sexual Hormones. - A.V. Pechersky, // Journal of Stem Cells, Volume 11, Number 2, 2016, p.p. 100-109


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