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Art therapy and fine art

Can a person who does not know how to draw take part in art therapeutic sessions where the primary means of influence is to teach fine arts?
many of us in childhood were told that we can not draw (Is it possible not to believe adult, intelligent people?). In fact, the process of drawing is natural for each person, a potential graphic artist, a painter or sculptor is inside each of us. Drawing helps to find a harmonious state of a person's inner world and to understand it. In art therapy sessions surprise (“I can do it!”) is gradually replaced by enthusiasm and creativity. Sometimes art therapy even leads a person to understanding that art is his vocation. But most of all it allows you to remove the internal tension, brush aside problems and “put them in place”
Why is there a therapeutic effect in art therapy?
As you know, right cerebral hemisphere is responsible for our emotions and left one is responsible for rationality. When we think how to respond to the questions raised by life, those engaged in our left hemisphere. Sometimes we find ourselves in a vicious circle, aggression or apathy emerge, different diseases develop. In this case, it is important to engage right hemisphere, to distract brain from excessive concentration on the problems that seem global and intractable. Art therapy appeals to emotions forcing right hemisphere to work actively. And it allows a patient to find a new perspective on the current situation contributing to its solution and patient's recovery.
How is art therapy differs from conventional drawing lessons (eg, school)?
Normal school lesson and art therapy class set themselves different tasks. The main objective of a school is to teach while art therapy pursues a goal of emancipating mind. Art therapy employs methods that are ordinary for the Russian school of drawing only at its 2nd stage. Partly because of the fact that calculations and ratios force our left “rational” hemisphere to work, that at the initial stage does not correspond to the task. Art therapeutic exercises designed to help patient to cross the threshold within his consciousness so that he could hear and feel the wisdom of intuition in himself. Thus, engaging in art therapy a person learns too, but not as we used to it.
How psychological emancipation emerges?
Initially, an outcome is achieved through special exercises, namely drawing “in the air”, quick writing characters like hieroglyphics etc. in which a person realizes that he can actually draw, opens a new world vision.
            ● developing mutual coordination of hands and eyes,
            ● enhancing ability to see what is directly in front of him,
            ● improving capacity for visual thinking.
Means of art therapy promotes mental emancipation of the patient that has a corresponding therapeutic effect.
What kinds of problems art therapy helps to cope with?
Methods of art therapy can cope with various adverse conditions, such as anxiety, fear, depression, aggressiveness, and many other psychological problems that interfere with human life and inhibit its development.
Can art therapist draw a psychological portrait of his patient?

Sessions with the art therapist may help to reveal many important psychological characteristics of person, among which are:
            ● activity level,
            ● predominance of rational or emotional,
            ● extrovercy or introversion,
            ● sexuality,
            ● level of general mental development.
On this basis therapist can determine which psychological type patient belongs to which helps to further treatment.
Can art therapy be used to control person's psychological state, after all, it could change significantly especially if there are stressful life situation?  
Very important factor in implementing art therapy is that art therapy allows to use a process of painting to control dynamics of the psychological state of a person and, therefore, to correct the problems.
What kinds of fine arts can be learned through art therapy?
The first session of art therapy is largely a test. According to its results a patient is recommended certain type of activity that will best facilitate the solution of specific problems. One can paint watercolors, the other sculpts sculpture. Activity may vary in the course of training.
Art therapy - individually or in group?
Sessions can be held in any form depending on individual characteristics and wishes of the person who is going to do art therapy.
In Lenmedcenter art therapy sessions are held by an artist with psychological education. Perfect understanding of various techniques of fine arts and extensive experience as a psychologist-art therapist makes the sessions replete and fascinating. Art therapy is a safe, effective, adequate and joyful way to explore the inner world of man, as well as an effective way to adapt the individual in society. Give yourself a joy of communicating with the world and restore harmony in your soul through art!
Images created by our patients during the sessions of art therapy.

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