Art therapy for children and adults
What is art therapy?
Art therapy is a method of treatment and diagnosis in psychotherapy that utilises various kinds of arts. It has set itself and solves a variety of tasks depending on the existing problems.
Art therapy for children and their parents is presented by the
art-pedagogic project which includes the following programs:
Art pedagogy in the service of mental health of children and parents.
This is the path to psychological health and positive outlook through the creative development of the child, the disclosure of his inner world (including conflicts, problems) and emotional rapprochement with him.
Child in the family.
Building a harmonious relationship to psychological support for the child, stabilization of his emotional state and increase vitality by means of art pedagogy. Development of understanding between children and adults.
Psychological climate in the family.
Correction and prevention of psychological problems in the relations between parents and children through the art of pedagogy, learning, their own feelings and emotions, the consolidation and strengthening families.