ВЕРСИЯ ДЛЯ СЛАБОВИДЯЩИХВерсия для слабовидящих
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Lapteva E.N. "Use of hepatoprotector Ropren in complex treatment of patients with obesity and an associated metabolic syndrome" - Lapteva E.N., Lapteva E.S., Soultanov V.S., Popova Yu.R., Perevezentseva Yu.B. // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтер

Use of hepatoprotector Ropren in complex treatment of patients with obesity and an associated metabolic syndrome
Lapteva E.N., Lapteva E.S., Soultanov V.S., Popova Yu.R., Perevezentseva Yu.B.
Objective: To demonstrate positive changes of clinical symptoms and biochemical parameters of the blood serum after use of the hepatoprotector Ropren in the complex treatment of obese patients.
Materials and methods: 40 people were examined (18 – 65 y.o., 45% men and 55% women) with BMI from 35 to 45 kg/m2. Patients were diagnosed with 3 types of nutritional behaviour:
12% had external, 65% - emotive, and 33% - restrictive type of behaviour.
A nutritional status was evaluated based on height-weight, waist to thigh ratio, and bio impedance analysis of the body structure.
Treatment was conducted by our patented method of reduction of excessive body mass.
Patients were divided into two groups: 1st group – patients received Ropren as a part of complex therapy at the dose of 3 drops 3 times per day; 2nd group - without Ropren.
Results: Patients in both groups had a statistically significant reduction of 10 to 25 kg of body mass over 3 months.
Patients from the 1st group in comparison with the 2nd group, reported disappearance of the above-mentioned symptoms and improvement of biochemical parameters in a significantly shorter period of time.
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity showed normalisation of the size, echogenicity and vascular structure of the liver and pancreas. Reduction of the body mass was also accompanied by significant improvement of biochemical parameters.  In the 2nd group, despite body mass reduction, improvement of lipid metabolism was registered later, whereas the transaminases remained practically unchanged.
Conclusion: Use of the highly efficacious innovative hepatoprotector, Ropren, a precursor of dolichols, in treatment of obesity with an associated metabolic syndrome, facilitates improvement of metabolic processes and the general condition of patients.

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